
Townsville & James Cook University Rowing Club Inc.

Join Now

Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Registering with a Fair Play Voucher? 

If you are registering with a Fair Play Voucher, email Trinity on secretary@townsvillejcurowing.com.au prior to registering. Please send your Fair Play Voucher through to Trinity, she will then send you a discount code to use when registering. Failure to do this will mean that you pay the full fee and don't receive the discount for your voucher.

Learn more about the Fair Play vouchers here - https://www.qld.gov.au/recreation/sports/funding/fairplay/apply.


Please note that FairPlay Vouchers cannot be claimed for school Learn to Row programs as the cost of this membership exceeds the value of the voucher.

If you have already claimed your voucher, hold onto it and let Trinity know before you register for a school season membership.


Most QLD children are now eligible!


The Club has a no refunds policy on all Membership fees. This may be determined on a case-by-case basis by the management committee. 


Have your card handy as payment is required in order to submit the membership application form. Membership fees must be paid by Credit or Debit card.
