
Townsville & James Cook University Rowing Club Inc.


Rowing Australia

The Standardised Terms and Conditions of Rowing Australia and its Member Associations are available from the link below:

Standardised Terms and Conditions - download.

To complete your application for membership please ensure that you read, understand, acknowledge and accept the Standardised Terms and Conditions of your membership.

If the applicant is under 18 years of age this section, and the Standardised Terms and Conditions must be read, understand, acknowledge and accepted by the applicant's parent or legal guardian.

Rowing Queensland

I agree to abide by the rules, regulations and policies of Rowing Queensland Ltd, Rowing Australia Ltd, and the club I am signing up to be a member of. This includes Rowing Australia whole of sport policies and the National Integrity Framework. These policies can be found here.

I agree to have my name, photograph and results published in official programs, newsletters and websites. 

I acknowledge and understand that in submitting this registration form I become liable for the relevant fees and understand these fees are non-refundable. 

I have read, understood, acknowledge and agree to the declarations above and the details provided in the application and I personally consent to the declarations above and I warrant that all information provided is true and correct.

If the applicant is under 18 years of age this section of the form must be endorsed by the applicant's parent or legal guardian.

Parent or Guardian's Declaration:

I have read, understood, acknowledge and agree to the declarations above and the details provided in the application and I personally consent to the declarations above and I warrant that all information provided is true and correct.

I as the parent or guardian of the above name applicant expressly agree to be responsible for the applicant's behaviour and agree to personally accept the conditions set out in this membership application and declaration.

Townsville & James Cook University Rowing Club Inc.


Warning! This is an important document that affects your legal rights and obligations, please read it carefully and do not accept it unless you are satisfied you understand it.

I acknowledge I have read and understood the below terms, conditions and waivers and agree to be bound by the rules, regulations and codes of conduct of the Townsville and James Cook University Rowing Club (the Club), including as contained in the Member Handbook, Constitution and other documents (available at www.townsvillejcurowing.com.au or on request).

I acknowledge that the sport of rowing has inherent risks and that participation carries with it the potential for property loss, serious injury and death. The risks include, but are not limited to temperatures, water currents, weather hazards, pollution, condition of equipment, lack of hydration, actions of other participants, coaches, officials and spectators. I hereby assume the risks of participating in the sport of rowing. 

I accept responsibility for my safety and possessions.

I am medically and physically fit to participate in rowing as a sport and have listed in my application any medical condition, injury or illness that may affect me when I exercise.

I agree to inform the Club immediately of any changes in my medical condition, fitness or new injury or illness that may affect my ability to participate in rowing activities.

I can swim a minimum of 100 metres fully clothed, and will prove so if asked.

I agree to consent to necessary medical treatment and agree to pay for any medical treatment costs (including transport by ambulance).

In consideration of being allowed to participate in the sport of rowing I agree to waive rights against the Club including Management Committee members and volunteers.

I acknowledge that the Club has some limited group personal accident and liabilities (including public liability) insurance policies in place and that the details of cover can be viewed at https://www.rowingqld.asn.au/about/insurance/.

               o I acknowledge that if a claim is made I am responsible for paying the excess.

               o I agree to consider my own personal finances and consider taking out private health insurance, income protection etc.

I acknowledge that personal information may be given to a relevant third party in certain circumstances (see Privacy section below).

I acknowledge and consent that my name and photographs, electronic images and sound recordings of me may be taken and used for promotional purposes of the Club.

I consent to the Club contacting me from time to time on a regular basis about Club business, newsletters, safety, and other notices.

I acknowledge and understand that in submitting this membership application form I become liable for the relevant fees and understand these fees are non-refundable (except at the Management Committee's discretion in special circumstances). 

I have read, understood, acknowledge and agree to the declarations above and the details provided in the application and I personally consent to the declarations above and I warrant that all information provided is true and correct.


The Club is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal information provided by you to us.

The personal information you provide through your membership form and other means will be used by the Club Management Committee to contact you about Club business, newsletters and other notices, and establish your rowing category for handicapping purposes. Aspects of your personal information will be made available to Rowing Queensland and Rowing Australia and may be made available through the actions of these entities to additional third parties as relevant to the sport of rowing.

The Club is required to make its membership register available to James Cook University (if requested), due to its affiliation through the university’s Clubs and Societies program.

You may access your own Membership information record at any time upon request.

From time to time your fellow Club members may wish to contact you regarding participating in crews or other rowing-related activities. Please ensure you indicate on your application form if you do not wish your contact details (i.e. email, phone numbers) to be disclosed for these purposes.

If the applicant is under 18 years of age the following Declaration must be endorsed by the applicant's parent or legal guardian.

Parent or legal Guardian's Declaration

I give my consent for the applicant to participate in the activities of the Club and have read and accept the Terms and Conditions of membership as set out above. I understand that Club policy states that any rower under 18 years of age must be supervised at all times, on and off the water, by a competent adult (nominated to, and recognised by, the Club) who is responsible for their safety and care of the equipment.
