
Townsville & James Cook University Rowing Club Inc.


2020 Membership

Published Tue 17 Dec 2019


All current Club memberships and Rowing Queensland registrations expire on 31 December 2019. Renew now so you're able to book boats again, and ready to go in January (eligible and insured)!

  • School-age rowers who don't want to resume rowing until Quarter 2 should wait until your Head Coach circulates school program information towards the end of Quarter 1

Have your debit/credit card ready — memberships must be paid by card (no bank transfers!). Also, it is much easier to fill in the form on a laptop or iPad rather than a phone, due to the screen size.

  1. Go to https://www.townsvillejcurowing.com.au/home/ and click ‘Become a member’ in the main menu bar
  2. At bottom of next page click ‘Renew
  3. Type carefully in the fields shown
  4. Select Registration type
    • If several members of your family row you may wish to take advantage of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th family member discounts on full year memberships
    • Note, if you only have one child rowing, then paying the individual terms works out cheaper than the full year option due to the additional discounts applied this year. The full year membership option should only be used if there are multiple family members, this then works out cheaper
  5. Click 'Renew membership'
  6. Your existing national profile should appear
    • Don’t accidentally make a new you in the national system — if the form seems too blank or looks like someone else then go back to the previous page and have another go at searching for your profile
  7. Check and update the information in all fields, e.g. contact details, medical info, ensure your email address is up to date
  8. For junior rowers we recommend putting the rower’s own email address into the main email field and parent email(s) into ‘Additional email addresses’. That way you’ll all get copies of club emails, e.g. newsletters, safety notices etc.
  9. Fill in all billing address fields manually in the credit/debit card payment section, do not use auto-fill, this doesn't work on the form
  10. Read the Terms of registration in the scrolling box – confirmation tick boxes appear both inside the box and just after the box
  11. Quickly scroll up and check the first name of the member (top of page) is still correct — some people have form autofill enabled on their browsers and it might have sneakily made an edit
  12. Press ’Pay now’. A notice will appear to tell you it has gone through. You will also receive two automatic emails  Membership details + Payment received (these may only be sent to the main email address, which would be the rowers email address and not the additional email addresses)
    • It should not be possible to pay twice, so if the page doesnt seem to have processed successfully after 40 seconds or so go back, recheck the form and have another go

If you have any problems flick me an email at registrar@townsvillejcurowing.com.au or vice.president@townsvillejcurowing.com.au.



Once you have joined the Club for 2020 you will once again be able to login to your own profile at any time during the year to see your list of paid and unpaid invoices, update your contact details, see your current membership type etc. Don't forget, boat bookings are now in the system as well, just click on the bookings tab in the main menu bar.

  1. Go here: https://www.townsvillejcurowing.com.au/home/
  2. Top right of screen click ‘member login’ 
  3. Enter Username and Password (see your ‘Membership details’ email or there is a 'forgot login details’ link if needed)
